Premium Wine Channel

A premium wine channel is needed to house all the different mediums that reach different groups of people. Including, a website, email newsletter, and style guide.
Create a responsive website to display current articles, the ability to archive past articles, contains press kits, and event promotions that wine retailers would be interested in. The website also needs its own design system and style guide that's easily recognizable to its viewers.
Goals, scope, and users: who are they and what are their problems?
Start a dialogue that helps select Fine Wine Retail Customers connect with key clients (Consumers) in new ways. Our channels link them to the most current trends, and commentary in the premium wine space. Our conversation-starters focus on the business and social aspects of Fine Wine retailing.
Influencers are the gatekeepers who make or break success in Fine Wine Retail. They can create consumer-engaging wine programs (including but not limited to: email, personal recommendations, guided trips to wine regions, sponsored tastings). Our commitment to Jay comes through our tonality, demonstrating the same level of respect and partnership he shares with his most valued Clients.

Create sitemap, wireframes, and prototype the design
The site was organized in a way to make current and past items easy to find, with the most recent items at the forefront.

It was important to give an overview of the site on the homepage; to make it easy to get to the main pages of the website, but also to gather important information before leaving the homepage.

Select final designs

Website is fully responsive to accommodate for any width.

Ease to find events, articles, and podcasts was a primary concern

The site is designed to be easy to navigate and find the information that you are looking for; whether newly released or archived.

Email template

The email template links to the website and gives subscribers a captivating overview of this months articles. Designed to make subscribers feels special and that they are "in the know" when it comes to fine wine changes and advancements.
Digital Style Guide
The entire digital style guide can be seen below. My role in creating the guide included how the colors can be used, the font sizes used on different browser sizes, the difference between header and supporting imagery, and specs for the formats of the responsive website.